Accept Jesus' invitation to you, "Come to Me . . ."
The Daniel Fast is your opportunity to draw nearer to God and experience His never-ending love for you. Push the pause button on the noisy world, and focus on deepening your faith for 21 days of prayer, study, growth, and transformation.
Change Your Life. Increase Your Faith. Draw Nearer to God.
Join the Daniel Fast to Strengthen Your Faith, Draw Nearer to God, and Change Your Life Forever
The very fact that you’re reading this message right now might be God inviting you to experience a 21-day personal and highly spiritual retreat with Him. The Daniel Fast is an opportunity for you to push the pause button on the busyness of your typical days. Instead, you can increase your focus on God and His truths so you can grow, experience, and receive from Him.
The fast I am guiding this year is all about accepting Jesus’ invitation to you, “Come to Me, all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” You probably already believe in Jesus, but would you like to learn how to believe like Jesus?
In this short video message . . .
I’ll share with you the keys for your successful Daniel Fast, plus provide an overview of the “Come to Me” course that you can experience with me when you join the fast. Please, take a few minutes to watch the video and allow the Spirit of God to speak to you about your upcoming time of extended prayer and fasting.
Here is just some of what you will receive in the brand new course titled, Come to Me . . .
- Learn how to fast as the Bible teaches
- Discover how to prepare your spirit, soul, and body for the fast
- Receive Daniel Fast Simple Meal Plans
- Use the more than 30 simple Daniel Fast recipes so you can focus on God and not on the food
- Daily Devotionals to Encourage You on the Fast
- Weekly LIVE online gatherings with faith-building teachings
- More than 30 short video lessons to keep you going during your fast
- Receive Jesus’s deep and abiding love
- Learn how to trust Christ with your whole heart
- Discover how to pray in God’s will and for results
Imagine Having Unwavering Faith
Without faith it is impossible to please God.
The only way we can experience God’s presence and His spiritual realm is through faith. The Daniel Fast is your opportunity to increase your faith and grow in Him.
Imagine Praying with Confidence
If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.
Do you pray with total confidence that God hears you and will fulfill His promises to you? During your fast, you can increase your trust in your Father and learn how to truly believe.
Learn the skill of praying with trust and perseverance.
Imagine Believing You Receive
Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
The Daniel Fast 2021 – Come to Me . . .
Your Course Includes . . .
Deepen your faith in God by using the online course that includes specially designed teachings to guide you on the Daniel Fast. Learn how to effectively pray. Discover how to deepen your love and trust in God so you believe with all your soul, all your heart, and all your mind.
Watch short videos that you can put into action. Receive daily emails during your fast for encouragement. Use the Bible study outline to hear God through His Word. Utilize the simple and easy-to-prepare recipes and meal plans so you can focus on your Father rather than the meals. Learn how to meditate on God’s Word and plan your bright future with Him as you develop your faith and follow Jesus’s command, “Do not fear. Only believe.” Begin the journey and trust God as you walk in the Spirit with Him.

Your Fasting Retreat
I’ve been teaching about the Daniel Fast since 2007. Let me share with you the principles of successful fasting, the Daniel Fast Guidelines, and how to grow in this spiritual discipline. Also, I’ll give you the Daniel Fast Food List, Simple Meal Plans, more than 30 Simple Recipes, and Daniel Fast Scripture Meditation Guide.

Jesus, I love you
Jesus loves you more than you can imagine. He wants the very best for you. And He wants you to experience His abiding love so you can count on His faithfulness. Learn how to receive His love so your heart is full and you have confidence, security, and value as a precious child of God.

Jesus, I trust you
Because of Jesus, all of God’s promises in the Bible are already yours. Jesus has already done everything needed for you to receive them. Your part is to learn, discover, believe, and trust that the Lord will do what He says He will do for you. During your Daniel Fast, learn to trust Jesus even more and live a kingdom life in love and grace.

Jesus, teach me to pray
Jesus gives very clear instructions for how you are to pray. The first step is to ask. Let me show you how to be sure you are asking in the will of God. The second step is to believe you receive. That can be challenging because Jesus calls us to believe for sure that what we ask for He will give. And the third step is to physically receive the manifestation of what you have requested. Learn how to pray.

Your Faith-Driven Life
Jesus says, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” He’s calling us to trust Him so much that we believe our prayers are granted before we see them. Believing is a skill anyone can learn.

Complete Your Fast with Success and Experience Your Transformed Life
Your successful fasting experience will give you insights, habits, changes, and lessons that you’ll want to use as you move into your bright future. I also want to show you how to ease into typical eating so your body, God’s temple, is healthy.

LIVE Weekly Online Meetings
Connect. Learn. Grow.
Each week I will host a LIVE online gathering to share insights, teach lessons in faith, and answer questions you may have. All the calls are recorded, so you have access to the replays on the members-only course portal. You can also submit questions ahead of time for me to answer during the call.

Food List, Recipes, Meal Plans, Prayers, Scripture Study Plan, Encouragement.
Your Daniel Fast Kit includes prayers, Bible study outlines, recipes, meal plans, and much more. You’ll have everything you need so you can enter the fast with assurance. Add your time, ingredients, and desire to step into this powerful experience.

Open your heart. Learn to walk by faith and not be sight.
Our Father is calling us to learn and grow with Him. He wants us to deepen our trust and our love for Him. He wants us to know Him better. To experience Him more deeply. And live a faith-driven life in the Spirit.
Allow God to Minister to You as You Open Your Heart to Him
Your Father treasures you. He loves you more than you can ever measure or imagine. He wants the very best for you. He wants you to live a bright, peaceful, loving, and happy life. Step into the fast and learn from Him. Allow Him to minister to you through prayer, study, and meditation.
Visit the Blog
Do you want to learn more? Check out the Daniel Fast blog to discover the amazing spiritual truths you can have and experience as you grow deeper in your faith.
I Want God to Be My Number One
In a world filled with endless challenges and distractions, it’s easy to feel disconnected and overwhelmed, longing for something deeper and more meaningful. Many of us are searching for peace and direction, but the noise of daily life often drowns out the voice of...
Daniel Fast for Lent
Over the years, more and more Christians who fast for Lent are using the Daniel Fast as their method of fasting. While most of the practices of the fast are the same, there are a couple of differences during Lent. Lent is a season in the Christian Church Liturgical...
Daniel Fast Testimonies
Our God is always good, and I praise Him for the thousands of women and men of faith who joined me as we began the New Year with extended prayer and fasting. People are experiencing God in their lives in new and more profound ways. They are gaining an understanding...