How to Prepare for Your Daniel Fast and Develop Your Faith
One of the most important steps you can take for your successful fasting experience is to prepare. Not only will you be aligned and ready for the fast, but you'll enjoy the anticipation of the forthcoming experience. I created a quick 16-minute video to help you learn...
How to Keep Christ in Christmas
This is a busy time of year. Very likely you're preparing for your Christmas celebration. And perhaps you're even thinking about the upcoming New Year Fast. You can learn more about the Daniel Fast by clicking this link. As you continue to prepare for the celebrations...
Daniel Fast: Your Personal Retreat with Jesus
Do you have a desire in your heart to just slip away and escape your hectic everyday life? Would you like to experience a spiritual adventure with your Lord? How would you like to go on your own personal retreat with Christ? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these...
The Five “P’s” for a Successful Daniel Fast
Even though this is a time when most of us are preparing for Christmas celebrations, it's also an opportunity for you to think about your upcoming Daniel Fast. So here are five simple steps that you can right now as you begin to prepare for your Daniel Fast. I call...
The Myth and the Truth About Positive Affirmations
You are snared by the words of your mouth; you are taken by the words of your mouth. Proverbs 6:2 A life-changing and faith-building practice that you can adopt during your Daniel Fast is using positive affirmations. However, you want to make sure...
Daniel Fast – are you ready for a reset?
I think there is one point that just about everyone can agree. And that is that we are living in a very stressful, chaotic, frenetic time. So many activities and so many distractions seem to be calling our name and vying for our attention.You may have a deep calling...
You have the key to his kingdom
God is working on me . . . again! Actually, I love it when He starts poking and prodding me to go higher with Him. To learn more about His nature. To gain greater understanding about kingdom living. To live more fully according to His Word. The essence of what...
Fasting with a Purpose for the Daniel Fast
God designed fasting for His people. It's a spiritual discipline that helps us focus intently on Him and seek His guidance, wisdom, and intervention. Fasting is NOT about getting God to approve of us or to gain His...
Kiss the Coffee Good-bye for Your Daniel Fast
For most people who use the Daniel Fast for their method of fasting, giving up caffeine is the greatest challenge. The only beverage on the Daniel Fast is water (see Daniel 1:12). And since our bodies can become addicted to caffeine, not consuming it can cause painful...
Three forces trying to steal your fasting success!
Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline designed by God to help His people enter into an intense time of focus through prayer and seeking His insights and wisdom. It's a time to lift up your needs. To draw nearer to your Lord. To strengthen your faith muscles and...
Daniel Fast 2018
Starting the New Year with extended prayer and fasting is an opportunity for all believers to press into God and seek His will, His wisdom, and His power. And it's an excellent time to start 2018 in a journey of faith that can set our course for the rest of...
Wow! Look What I Did in 2017
So often, we come to the end of another year and think, “Where did the time go?” Yes, it seems like time just whooshes by these days. We have so many activities and so many distractions. I remember last year when my daughter and I were talking about ending another...
Food or Faith on Your Daniel Fast?
Here is my heart cry: please, keep your Daniel Fast about your faith and NOT about the food! As you look around the Internet and on Amazon for books and information about the Daniel Fast, you will find that most of them focus on the food! People are turning the Daniel...
Becoming a Duck, a Matador, or a Turtle
As Christian women and men start planning for the purpose of their Daniel Fast, a common focus is relationships. Sadly, many people struggle with painful encounters with family, friends and coworkers. Recently, I've heard from many folks seeking advice and wisdom when...
What Should You Do if You Quit or Break the Daniel Fast?
Lately, I've been reading a lot of posts on Facebook from people who are feeling defeated, guilty and discouraged because they broke their Daniel Fast by giving into the flesh and eating pizza, or a hamburger, or whatever. They gave in to their cravings. They gave...
Did you think this would be easy?
This isn't one of those sweet, fuzzy, Christian articles about fasting. Instead, it's more like an inoculation shot. Painful at first, but good for you in the end. So here goes . . . You decided to fast. And you set your mind on using the Daniel Fast as your method of...
Is the Daniel Fast Being Hijacked?
I started teaching Christians about the Daniel Fast in 2007. If you’ve read my book, The Daniel Fast: feed your soul, strengthen your spirit and renew your body, then you know that this all came about when I received a word from the Lord to “write about the Daniel...
Which Daniel Fast Book is Right for You?
The New Year Fast will soon begin for hundreds of thousands of Christians around the world. Most will begin on Sunday, January 8th. However, there is not an official start date. Whatever day you are led to begin the fast is right for you! A question I receive...