by Susan Gregory | Apr 15, 2015 | Life Lessons
As I write this post I’m on what I call a “work-cation.” As a writer, I often go away to a more secluded and quiet place where I can be more focused. For now I’m in a little place on Lake Chelan, which is a long, river-like lake nestled among the mountains in Central...
by Susan Gregory | Feb 25, 2015 | Life Lessons
As followers of Jesus Christ, you and I are called to be different. Not odd. But different. In fact, we’re called to be excellent and notable. Clearly, not in a prideful way. But instead in a way that people notice because our attitudes and actions transmit...
by Susan Gregory | Feb 4, 2015 | Life Lessons
Marie is a friendly, outgoing and accomplished woman. She’s one of those women who you want as your friend. A while back she said to me, “No wonder I never have any money!” That’s when we entered into a great conversation about Marie’s...
by Susan Gregory | Jan 27, 2015 | Uncategorized
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego were thrown into Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace and didn’t even get singed. That’s good news! But I want to introduce you to a furnace that will “burn” you in all the right ways. I’m co-hosting a special...
by Susan Gregory | Jan 10, 2015 | Articles, Inspiration
Fasting provides a very practical and perhaps even stark set of lessons for anyone participating in the spiritual discipline. As followers of Jesus Christ who are on a quest to grow in our faith, we can use the fast to learn about ourselves. And one thing I know for...
by Susan Gregory | Jan 9, 2015 | Life Lessons
Christians regularly recite the “Lord’s Prayer” at home and during their church services. And a lot of people use Jesus’ teaching about how to pray in Luke 11 as a model or an outline. One of the instructions from our Lord is to ask our Father in Heaven to “give us...
by Susan Gregory | Jan 3, 2015 | Inspiration
Jesus teaches in John 17:14 that His followers (like you and me) are in this world, but not of it. We live by different standards. We have benefits available only to us because we are God’s chosen people (James 2:5; 1 Peter 2:9). Spiritual truths are revealed to us...
by Susan Gregory | Dec 28, 2014 | Life Lessons
When faced with challenging circumstances, many Christians cry out to God, “God, why are you doing this to me?” Or, “God, why don’t you answer my prayer?” But let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say to shed some light on...
by Susan Gregory | Dec 28, 2014 | Life Lessons
Okay! Am I the only one who sometimes gets buried in paper? And I don’t mean just a little bit. But there are times when I have stacks staring at me! And every time I look at the pile (sometimes that’s plural – piles), I hear...
by Susan Gregory | Dec 23, 2014 | Inspiration, Life Lessons
We all have those times when we feel low. I’ve been there. I know how you feel. Sometimes we look around and conclude we are so inadequate. Poorly prepared. Not up for the challenges before us. It’s not a very good feeling. And frankly, unless we get a grip on those...