Daniel Fast for Weight Loss and Health

The purpose of biblical fasting is to “restrict food for a spiritual purpose.” For many women and men, submitting all of who they are to God (spirit, soul and body) is their purpose. And they have heard the still small voice of the Lord calling them to be better caretakers of their body. The Daniel Fast is a powerful way to jumpstart your desire to develop a lifestyle of health for the glory of God.
The Bible says, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19
Once we accept Jesus as our Lord, our body is not longer just flesh and bones. We immediately become a temple where He resides. He lives inside of your body. And you are no longer the owner of your body.
Instead, you have been honored with the role as the caretaker of God’s Holy Temple of YOU! How are you doing at your assignment? Do you need to make some adjustments? Do you need to change some ways of thinking?
The Daniel Fast is an excellent way to get started. Spend time in prayer and meditation. Learn what God’s Word teaches about health and your wellness. And begin weaning yourself off unhealthy goods. Break poor eating habits. And take the first steps of developing your lifestyle of health.
Hundreds of people join Choose Life Now, which we developed when so many people wanted to focus on their health using Christ-centered teachings.